Dropsigner's benefits

Sign faster by using an intuitive signature flow

Get rid of paper use during processes

Stop spending money with printing and shipping documents

Get legal support in your documents

Safely organize and store your documents

Have compatibility with several systems and aplications

How we work

We spread signing processes and document management through technology.

Who we are

Lacuna Software is a company specialized in software development, created and managed by associates with more than 30 years of experience in the market. Located in Brazil's capital, we count with a highly skilled team capable of develop complete and efficient solutions in digital certification.

We believe in the change potencial of technology and seek to spread its usage by delivering practical solutions, in order to easily assist our clients to solve their problems in innovative ways. We are the inteligence behind the solution!

The outcome of our commitment reflects in our vast portfolio, composed by public and private organizations of several sizes and sectors, being present in more than 10 countries. Because of this and much more, Lacuna Software became reference in digital certification technologies.